Comparison table of Hive, Pig, Shark, Impala and other big data applications

Table below compares multiple big data applications such as Hive, Pig, Impala and others. This is a helpful resource for architects and engineers trying to decide what option to go with for their custom mix of big data needs. Like the previous parts, the 3 big data Vs (Volume, Variety, and Velocity) are used as the dimensions for comparison. This is the last part in a 3 part series that also looked at comparison of other layers of big data ecosystems .

Click here to see part 1 and part 2 of the series.

comparison table for Hive, Pig, Shark and others big data application engines

  • On the inequality of the 3V’s of Big Data Architectural Paradigms: A case for heterogeneity by Todor Ivanov, Nikolaos Korfiatis, Roberto V.Zicari, Big Data Laboratory, Chair for Databases and Information Systems, Department of Informatics, Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany,